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RetroSonic Grooves Радіо в прямому ефірі

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RetroSonic Grooves in Kiev, Ukraine is a vibrant radio station that appeals to a wide audience. Situated in the heart of Kiev, this channel is dedicated to bringing the best of retro and classic music to the ears of music lovers across Ukraine. With its diverse program, ranging from 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s music, this radio station guarantees that there is something for everyone.

RetroSonic Grooves in Kiev, Ukraine is particularly popular amongst those that have a love for music from the past. The channel features a team of experienced DJs who are passionate about throwback music and this shows in their selection of songs. The station runs 24/7, and listeners can tune in at any time to enjoy the variety of music. During the week, there are also scheduled programs that cater to specific music genres.

Overall, RetroSonic Grooves in Kiev, Ukraine is a must-listen radio station for anyone who appreciates retro and classic tunes. With its talented DJs, well-rounded programming, and fantastic music selection, it is a channel that truly stands out in the Ukrainian radio scene.
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