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BBC World Service Радіо в прямому ефірі

5.0 від 5.0 у 2 Оцінка(оцінки)
BBC World Service is a British international news broadcaster headquartered in London, United Kingdom. The channel is aimed at a global audience and covers a wide range of international news and current affairs. Its programming is focused on providing news and information from around the world, with a special focus on coverage of events in developing countries. The BBC World Service broadcasts in English and 40 other languages, including Ukrainian.

The channel's schedule includes news bulletins throughout the day, as well as a range of current affairs and documentary programs. Its flagship news program, BBC World News, is broadcast live 24 hours a day and provides in-depth coverage of breaking news events from around the world. Other notable programs include World Business Report, World Questions, The World This Week, and The Briefing Room.

Overall, BBC World Service is a trusted and reliable source of international news and current affairs, providing coverage to millions of people throughout the world. Its high-quality programming and expert analysis make it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the complex events that shape our world.
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